New musical gear

2023 is about to start. What I have done this year? In my theater projects I have been busy. Rehearsals and shows, in which I have taken care of technical matters like lights and sounds. Anyway, the projects have been very challenging. But when you have got to the end of show and you can hear applause, that is the greatest thanks you can get. Once again one well done show.

I have not had time to write new music. But perhaps 2023 I will publish something, at least one single. I planned to write an album, but I will be part of some theater projects in 2023, so I believe that I will not have time so much to focus on music.

But I have got new gears to my studio. I have got new DAW called Reaper and new synthesizer Reaktor 6 by Native Instruments. I also got a new plugin Fabfilter Pro-R by Fabfilter. There is quite many different matters to study and learn. So, I hope that when I can focus on writing new music, I will create something new and beautiful to listen for.

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