Hello there!

I have rebuilt my web site again by choosing the new theme and updating the content of all pages. I added few new items to the pages. I thought that this would be nice work to do while waiting my brand new single Tomorrow’s World being released. And the release date is finally here.

The melody was playing in my head about one week and next I had to turn on my studio and play the melody with my synthesizer. It sounded good. I played it with one play configuration of synthesizer and it still sounded good. So, I recorded five parts of the melody and next I started to work with the song. I made intro, verse and chorus parts, added synth bass and two drum sets. Next I added couple of synthesizers more – and finally the raw version of the song was ready. I mixed and mastered it and I liked the result. I hope that you’ll too like the song – it is really worth listening.

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